2024 High School Nutmeg Nominee
Take the following quiz to receive one of the ten High School Nutmeg Nominee badges. If you need to sign up to be a 2024 CANTON NUTMEG READER, please click HERE. * You can earn a tag by completing this quiz OR, if you don't like quizzes, you could:
  • write us a letter about the book
  • draw a picture or two with details from the book
  • record yourself talking about OR reading the book
If you come up with another creative idea you'd like to try, we'd love to see it.

Thank you for being a Nutmeg Reader, the award where Connecticut KIDS get to choose the winner each spring!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Email address *
10 points
How Moon Fuentes Fell in Love with the Universe
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