RSVP GATE EDUCATOR EXCHANGE SERIES #1   From Readers, To Processors: The Power of Close ReadingPlease complete the information below to attend the webinar, From Readers, To Processors: The Power of Close Reading with Dr. Nicholas Preston Mercer, on Thursday, September 19th, from 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm ET. The webinar Zoom link will be sent to the email address you list on this form the week of the scheduled webinar.
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We Value Your Input!

As a part of our commitment to providing meaningful and relevant literacy learning experiences, we'd love to hear your ideas for future sessions. Please share your suggestions below:

1. Education Topics of Interest:

Are there any specific education topics or areas you would like us to cover in future sessions? Please list your suggestions below.

2. Suggested Presenters:

Do you know someone who would be a great presenter for one of GATE’s Educator Exchange Sessions? We welcome passionate individuals willing to share their expertise with our community. If you have a suggestion, please provide their name, area of expertise, and email contact information below.
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