Non-profit, partners and vendors sign-up form

Sewa International Atlanta, is organizing its 17th Annual Holi festival. The celebration of Holi (Festival of Colors) will be held at the Cumming Fairgrounds, 235 Castleberry Rd, Cumming GA 30040, on the 23rd of March from 11:00AM - 4:00 PM. This event is being organized by the Sewa International, a Hindu faith based, humanitarian, non-profit service organization, in collaboration with a number of supporting organizations.

Holi is a major Hindu festival celebrated annually to mark the advent of the spring season and to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. Our event in 2023 drew participation from 10,000 of our community members. This year we are expecting an attendance of about 15,000 attendees.

501(c)(3) Non-profit organizations, after screening can set up a booth

  • There is a $250 fee
  • The org can request for waiver to be admitted for free
  • Partner organizations can join for free

Vendors - for profit can set up stall for a $250 fee, after screen

  • Predefined locations (bring our tent 10x10, table and chairs
  • Sewa is not responsible for any damage or losses
  • Max limited of persons on booth allowed is 4

Please submit the form, so our event team can effectively collaborate with you.

Please note that food vendors are not allowed this year.
We are currently planning the event and we will revert back towards mid of February with the details.

Contact -, Message/WhatsApp +1 404 395 4090

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