NCTA Open Doors Interest Questionnaire
This application is for NCTA Open Doors (not for NCTA Skills Center or NCTA Summer Session application).  NCTA Open Doors is open to students that have the following attributes:
     Successful participation in their current or former NCTA Skills Center Program
     Not on track to reach graduation with their home high school/district
     Focused on obtaining a high school diploma

As with all student placements within NCTA, NCTA Open Doors will continue to work collaboratively with the students’ resident high school (or district in some cases) for student referrals into the NCTA Open Doors Program.  Students may also initiate the referral process.  Additionally,   Students must meet eligibility requirements per WAC 392-700-035.  

NCTA Open Doors is intended to put the student in the driver seat. In order to capture their
voice, we would encourage students to complete this form independently. We do understand if
others help support students.  If you have any questions, you can reach out to Mr. Donaldson at or call 360 848-0706.
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Who is completing this enrollment form?
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What is your current age?
NCTA Open Doors has a primary focus on students earning a high school diploma. Are you interested in earning a high school diploma or a GED or some other certificate?
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Which Open Doors Program are you interested in? 
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