FYT: Frontline Yoga Therapy
…As frontliners, first responders, caregivers in all areas…you devote yourselves to the upliftment of people everywhere, with dedication to the alleviation of human suffering, untiring efforts to bring love, gentleness and healing to those in need.
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We would like to understand how best to serve the needs of FRONTLINERS and FIRST RESPONDERS IN HEALTHCARE. Your responses will help us develop classes designed for your specific needs. These classes will be free of charge. Please consider giving a donation to our non-profit. Details at the end of this survey.
Are you interested in taking a Yoga Therapy class?
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Are you currently:
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Have you previously done any yoga?
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Have you done meditation?
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Current exercise program and sports activity:
What length of class would you prefer?
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Would you be interested in pre-recorded ZOOM / YOUTUBE online classes when they are launched?
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Would you be willing to donate to The YogAbility Institute to continue offering classes?
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Your comments and suggests would be very helpful:
Thank you for completing this survey. We really appreciate your time and effort. Ameeta Nanji and Bea Ammidown
For more information: bea@yogability.org
www.yogability.org  A non-profit corporation, 501 (C) (3) Federal Tax ID 95-3952934.HumoRX dba The YogAbility Institute
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