Entry Survey
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Your answers will be kept PRIVATE and believe me, no answer is a wrong answer!
First Name
Last Name
Do you have Blue Tansy on hand to complete the experiment?
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What are your top three priorities to get done this month?
Do you write a daily 'To Do' list?
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 of how effective you consider yourself to be at completing tasks or projects. (1 = not good / 10 = excellent)
Not Good
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Do you consider yourself resistant to change?
Do you often feel lethargic, drained, apathetic, sluggish, or exhausted?
When faced with a challenge in your life do you:
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Would you consider yourself a procrastinator?
On a scale of 1 - 10, hoe energized to you feel on a daily basis? (1 = low energy / 10 = highly energetic)
Low Energy
Highly energetic
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