Legacy Project
The Humboldt Grace Legacy Project is an active working group building a METRC compliant fundraising auction and educational event with the purpose of promoting unique cannabis genetics, the genetic diversity of legacy cannabis, communities, and the value a grower and their environment bring to the end product. This project launched in March 2020. Community Builders, Breeders, Nurseries, Farmers, Techies, and Scientists gather every week to share resources and problem-solve together.
Working together, we have a highly sought-after heirloom strain of 'Skunk 1 pre-1996' to be the flagship example of using unique blockchain technology, Canopyright to protect genetics. We are having the genetic data tested, authenticated, evaluated, and are compiling a narrative history of the strain that will be tied to the genetic profile in the blockchain. The skunk 1 pre 96 will then be used as an educational resource to guide other breeders through the process of registering their samples for the future auction.
Importance of Community Education and Feedback.
Genetic protection is a wonderful idea in concept but it faces challenges from an industry that historically could not be open about their work, and where genetic fraud and IP theft are rampant. It is critical that trust is carefully cultivated between the breeders, the technology, and the auction organizers. Our working group has been meeting weekly on Zoom, and we host in-person open meetings to facilitate active community engagement and project development.

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