Hair Laundry Intake Form
Thank you for choosing to take your hair to the cleaners here at The Hair Laundry ! Please complete the intake form below and sign our waiver before leaving your hair to be serviced . Drop-off's at an Atlanta area location are by APPOINTMENT ONLY and must be scheduled through the Calendly link below.
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Today's Date *
Full  Name *
Mailing Address *
Phone number *
What is your Instagram/ Facebook name? *
What type of hair are you dropping off for service ? *
The Hair Laundry is eco-friendly, will you be leaving  a reusable Hair Laundry bag, foam head or both to receive 15% off your order ? *
Select your service *
How would you like your revitalized hair styled ? *
Select your delivery method *
If shipping address is different from mailing address please list here.
What date would you like to have your hair returned?  Click the link to schedule drop-off/ pick-up appointment *
Sign Waiver- I have read the below statement and understand the risks involved in the processing of the hair in question. I agree to hold The Hair Laundry harmless in the event that any damage should occur to the hair in question and provide my consent to The Hair Laundry to proceed with the cleaning / service process of the hair in question . *
To our valued customer: The Hair Laundry exercises utmost care in cleaning and processing hair entrusted to us and use such processes which , in our opinion, are best suited to the nature and conditions of synthetic and human hair pieces. However due to certain circumstances, some hair presented to us for cleaning may present an added risk from its previous condition and therefore requires our customer be made aware of those risks. The Hair Laundry cannot assume responsibility for inherent weaknesses or defects in materials such as wefts, wig caps, and impaired lace which are not readily apparent prior to processing. In laundering we cannot guarantee against color loss, color bleeding, shrinkage , shedding, curl disturbance; or against damage to weak and damaged hair. We cannot be responsible nor can we guarantee the results of chemically processing hair that has been pre-treated by our customers .
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