Partner Press Release Submission Form
At Salesforce, we are proud to support the success of our partners through PR activities. All partners are welcome to submit releases for review - all mentions of Salesforce in press releases must go through our review process. We kindly request that all release follow our guidelines, which can be found here on the Partner Community:

We request that all partners submit their press releases through this form, and that they answer the questions below in order to help us route it through approvals efficiently and effectively.

Before submitting a release, partners should be aware of our guidelines and timelines. See below for more context.

Recommendations for best practices:
-Best performing releases typically revolve around new or updated product announcements and customer success stories.
-Releases should focus on product or company momentum news outside of a partner's relationship with Salesforce (company momentum can mean growth, M&A, expansion into new industries, customer success, and more).

Requirements for submission:
-All press releases should be submitted directly by the partner, not by PAMs or other internal Salesforce employees.
-Partners are not allowed to distribute releases focused solely on their partnership with Salesforce, their partnership tier, or their involvement in a Salesforce event (e.g. Dreamforce, Connections, World Tours).
-Consulting and ISV partners at Ridge and Base are required to use existing press release templates to announce their news.
-For ISV announcements, all solutions must be through security review and live on AppExchange prior to submitting releases.
-All releases should follow our guidelines on the Partner Community:

Review timelines:
-Partners at the Summit and Crest levels receive a 14-day review period
-Partners at Ridge and Base receive a 30-day review period
-However, all announcements get a 14-day review period, regardless of partnership tier

If you have questions, please reach out to

Please provide your full name *
Please provide your email address *
What tier partner are you? *
If "other," please write down what kind of partner you are.
What is your announcement about? *
If you selected "other," please give a 1-2 sentence synopsis of what your announcement is about.
If you selected "Customer Success," do you have permission to cite the customer by name?
Futa uteuzi
Is your press release based on a template? *
Where do you plan on publishing your announcement?
Futa uteuzi
What region(s) do you plan on distributing your announcement in? Please check all that apply. *
Lazima ijazwe
What is the primary purpose of your press release? *
Is this an industry solution? If so, which industry?
Futa uteuzi
To complete your submission, please email your completed press release to
 If you have any issues submitting this form, please email and we can assist.              
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