Agile Denver NEW SIG Proposal
To create a new SIG (Special Interest Group) in association with Agile Denver.
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone *
Proposed SIG Name *
Is this an existing or new SIG? *
How many do you anticipate attending? (or already attend if existing)
If the SIG already exists, please check the items that apply below
Please fill out the Business Case using the template below
FOR  [intended participants]
WHO [have this shared interest],
OUR [meetup name] SIG will host a monthly meet-up,
THAT will provide: [modify as you see fit]
Conversation and fellowship with others interested in this topic
Education on various aspects of this topic, presented by SIG participants and guest speakers
Experimentation and debate on various ways to solve common problems
Examples of challenges faced by attendees and their solutions

UNLIKE other local agile meet-ups, the [meetup name] SIG offers focus on challenges faced by [intended participants], such as:
[list ideas for topics here]

Business Case *
This proposal to Agile Denver includes the following support requests
1) Sanctioned SIG with permission for a sub-group, and to use the Agile Denver name/logo
2) MentoringGuidance and ideas to effectively and efficiently get the group up and running to a healthy state
3) Financial Support to support monthly meetups in terms of location rental, meals, and travel stipends for out of town speakers
Are you requesting to be a sanctioned SIG and use the Agile Denver logo on
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Will you need mentoring and guidance to get the group set up or running? *
What is the projected annual funding needed from Agile Denver? (We have a standard budget up to $1,000 per SIG) *
What is today's date (your submission date)? *
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