FOSDEM 2025 Ticket Waitlist

Pirates is organizing a trip to FOSDEM in February 2025 this year.

Pirates has a group booking for Meiniger Hotel Brussels Gare Du Midi for the nights of Friday 31st January Saturday the 1st of February. The rooms are not necessarily gender separated.
Breakfast is included for the Saturday and Sunday.

The cost of a ticket is €20. This covers accommodation and the breakfasts, and possibly an evening event. The evening event is TBD. The ticket does not cover flights or transport to/from Brussels/FOSDEM. Entry to the conference is free and not ticketed.

Filling out this form will place you in line for a ticket, and we will contact the first people to complete the form by email before the tickets run out. These first people will the have 5 days to transfer the ticket price, €20 to the Pirates bank account. If one of these first people has not transferred the money within 5 days of them receiving an email saying that a ticket is being held for them then the ticket will be offered to the next in line.

Please include your name in the transfer comment.

Pirates Bank Acc info:
Account Owner: PIRATE PARTY
IBAN: IE62 BOFI 9000 1786 2890 19

Approximate transport times from the hostel are below:
Conference: ~38 mins by pub trans, 1 changeover
BRU Airport: ~35 mins by pub trans, no changeover
City Center:  ~15 mins by pub trans, no changeover
City Center:  ~36 mins by foot

More info on FOSDEM:
FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting) is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.

Dates: 1st February & 2nd February
Location: ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium

For more information:

And the basic information again in the CSC preferred format:

Date of Travel: 31/1/2025 - 2/2/2025

Traveling to: Brussels, Belgium for FOSDEM Conference

Trip Information 

Departing: Transport to/from Brussels is organized by the trip members without involvement from the society

Accommodation: Meiniger Gare Du Midi

Email *
Full Name (as appears on Passport): *
Contact Number:
TCD Student ID number: *
Name and phone number of Emergency Contact: *
 Date of Birth *
I confirm that I am over 18 *
Do you have any Medical Conditions that the organizers should be aware of for your own health and safety? *

Please Read Before Signing

Note 1: Attendees are responsible for their personal possessions.

Note 2: The DU Pirates is not responsible for providing insurance for members – this is the responsibility of the individual. 

Note 3: Attendees agree to conduct themselves reasonably and are aware that they represent Trinity College as well as their society and will behave thus.

Note 4: I confirm that I am over 18 years of age

Note 5: I understand that if I there are still tickets available I will be emailed and offered one, and must then pay €20 to the account detailed above inside 5 days to receive the ticket.

I agree to the terms and conditions as outlined by the DU Pirates.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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