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Master Herpetologist - Gift Registration
This is the Amphibian Foundation's Gift Registration for the following courses.
Master Herpetologist Program
Junior Master Herpetologist Program
Southeastern Master Herpetologist Program
Husbandry & Captive Management Program
If someone has registered you for one of the programs listed above —
! Redeem your registration by completing this short form.
If you are interested in giving registration in one of our classes as a gift —
! You can start by registering for the class you are interested in using the links above, or for more information
click here
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Someone extremely thoughtful has registered you for the Master Herpetologist Program!
Please complete the form below to redeem your gift registration.
Your Name
Your answer
Name of the person who registered you
Your answer
Email of the person who registered you
Please include the email of the person who registered you (if known). It will help us verify your registration.
Your answer
The registration you are redeeming is for which program?
Master Herpetologist Program (ages 18+)
Junior Master Herpetologist Program (ages 12-17)
Southeastern Master Herpetologist Program (ages 18+)
Husbandry & Captive Management Course (ages 18+)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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