WTU Survey for Special Education Professionals
The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the timeliness component of your IMPACT due to problems with PowerSchool. DC law prevents the WTU from negotiating any aspect of our teacher evaluation system. Please note that Courts have determined that the IMPACT Team is the sole arbiter of all IMPACT matters. This survey will NOT be shared with DCPS. 
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First name
Last name
email address
Position? *
Does your IMPACT rubric include a timeliness metric?  *
Have issues with PowerSchool prevented you from being timely?  *
This school year, DCPS will not count timeliness. Instead, they increased the weight of the primary rubric of your IMPACT.  Do you agree with this approach?  *
Would you like to have been given the option to include the timeliness metric? *
School *
Please list any problems you had using the PowerSchool platform this year. (Please take time to respond to this question. Your feedback could be very helpful when we meet with OSSE and DCPS leadership.) *
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