Dance Nation
Produced by Penguin Productions
Directed by Jasmine Lomax
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When: August 30th at 7pm
Where: The Center Theatre
Runtime: 90 minutes

Dance Nation by Clare Barron is a dynamic, surreal Pulitzer Prize Finalist. The dark comedy centers the adolescent female experience, exploring pre-teen sexuality and mental health through an army of young competitive dancers plotting to take over the world. Join us August 30th at 7pm at The Center Theatre for one of Penguin's most ambitious shows yet. 

We chose to produce Dance Nation as a meaningful, fun, and empowering show for our youth artists and leaders to work on. That said, it is an ambitious production and contains a lot of material that is highly vulnerable in many ways. Please note that Dance Nation contains strong language, violence, sexual themes, depictions of masturbation, and discussion of mental health issues including suicidal ideation.
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Please select the amount you are choosing to pay for each ticket. All Penguin programs are pay-what-you-choose for artists and audience members. That said, Dance Nation is a very ambitious production and expenses are higher than most of Penguin's past programs. Your financial support is greatly appreciated so we can continue to offer accessible opportunities to see and participate in shows like Dance Nation! *
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