Volunteer application form:
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Email *
Name & Surname: *
ID or Passport number: *
Date of Birth: *
Residential Address:
Cellphone Number:
Name and contact details of person that can be contacted in case of an emergency: *
Home Language: *
Other Languages you are able to speak and understand well?
Highest educational qualification:
List qualifications and details of institutions accrediting qualifications:
Please provide details (Company, position & employment time) regarding your current or previous employment:
Please provide details (Church, Community, NGO, Company)regarding your current or previous community involvement - also comment on your position, responsibilities and period of involvement:
What are your hobbies & interests?
How did you become aware of Tshwane Leadership Foundation?
Why would you like to volunteer with us? *
Please note any health concerns we need to be aware of should you require emergency treatment (e.g diabetes, asthma) *
Do you understand and accept that as a volunteer you will not receive any remuneration *
How much time in a week will you be able to volunteer?
Is your volunteering a practicum for school, university etc? *
Are there any expectations that should be met from your school, university etc?
What method of transportation would you use to get to Tshwane Leadership Foundation?
Do you have a preference for volunteering at a specific TLF project? Please motivate:
What skills do you possess and how will you use them at TLF?
What are your personal goals an expectations from time volunteering at TLF?
TLF is a faith-based organisation, how do you feel about working in a faith-based environment?
Please provide the names and contact details of two references (Non-family members) *
Would you object to TLF inquiring around your criminal record, references etc.?
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Please note any comments & suggestions you wish to add:
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