Name and contact details of person that can be contacted in case of an emergency: *
Your answer
Home Language: *
Your answer
Other Languages you are able to speak and understand well?
Your answer
Highest educational qualification:
Your answer
List qualifications and details of institutions accrediting qualifications:
Your answer
Please provide details (Company, position & employment time) regarding your current or previous employment:
Your answer
Please provide details (Church, Community, NGO, Company)regarding your current or previous community involvement - also comment on your position, responsibilities and period of involvement:
Your answer
What are your hobbies & interests?
Your answer
How did you become aware of Tshwane Leadership Foundation?
Your answer
Why would you like to volunteer with us? *
Your answer
Please note any health concerns we need to be aware of should you require emergency treatment (e.g diabetes, asthma) *
Your answer
Do you understand and accept that as a volunteer you will not receive any remuneration *
How much time in a week will you be able to volunteer?
Your answer
Is your volunteering a practicum for school, university etc? *
Are there any expectations that should be met from your school, university etc?
Your answer
What method of transportation would you use to get to Tshwane Leadership Foundation?
Your answer
Do you have a preference for volunteering at a specific TLF project? Please motivate:
Your answer
What skills do you possess and how will you use them at TLF?
Your answer
What are your personal goals an expectations from time volunteering at TLF?
Your answer
TLF is a faith-based organisation, how do you feel about working in a faith-based environment?
Your answer
Please provide the names and contact details of two references (Non-family members) *
Your answer
Would you object to TLF inquiring around your criminal record, references etc.?
Clear selection
Please note any comments & suggestions you wish to add:
Your answer
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