WAIS Workshop 2024 Early Career Support
The WAIS Workshop is proud to support early career scientists and encourage interaction between early-career and established Antarctic researchers. To this end, our budget includes travel and registration support for a limited number of domestic and international students and early-career researchers (students, postdocs, or ≤5 years from PhD). We will aim to inform recipients of the decision on their support in within two weeks to allow time to purchase tickets and register. The deadline to request funds is September 20 at 5:00 PM PDT (UTC-7). Please email wais@mines.edu if you have any questions.
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Email *
Your name (Last, First) *
Your institutional affiliation *
Supervisor's Name (if applicable)
Would not receiving additional funding prevent you from attending WAIS Workshop? Please add any additional comments you feel appropriate about your funding situation to the application letter. *
Application letter *
Below, please provide a short justification for your workshop support request.  We ask that you highlight the relevance of your work to West Antarctica, ice-sheet stability, ice-air, ice-ocean, or ice-biology interactions, or polar climate change, as well as what you aim to gain from attending the WAIS Workshop and any other relevant information regarding your funding for attending WAIS Workshop.
Did you submit an abstract or do you plan to do so? *
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