CRC Elite Interest Form
Please fill out this form if you've hit a CRC Elite qualifying standard within the past 6 months and you're interested in joining the team.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name: *
Why are you interested in joining CRC Elite? *
Have you taken part in any of CRC Elite's Sunday runs or any CRC group runs in the past? *
In order to join CRC Elite, runners must hit a qualifying mark in the previous 6 months. Which race distance is your qualifier? *
What is your qualifying time for the distance? *
When & where did you run the qualifying time?  Please include a link to results along with your time and the date you ran it. *
What city do you currently live in? *
Did you compete in track or XC in high school? In college? Please list your school(s) and your graduation year.
Please share some of your running goals, both short and long term.
Is there anything else that you'd like to share with us as you're applying to join CRC Elite?
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