Survival Revival Registration
Thank you for your interest in the Survival Revival Weekend! 

Please complete this registration in its entirety. If you have any questions, please email

*Please note this event is for individuals ages 18-35. 
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First Name *
Last Name
Date of Birth *
Address *
Local Church *
Any allergies or dietary restrictions? 
I acknowledge that I wish to participate in the 2024 RiseUp Survival Revival Weekend, which will be held in South Dakota, from September 19-22, 2024. I understand that certain risks are inherent in travel and other activities in which I will participate in this weekend, and fully accept those risks. These risks include, but are not limited to, injury, disease and/or other threat of physical harm to myself and others and damage to or theft of personal property. I understand that there may be a great variety of other risks not known or reasonably foreseeable. I acknowledge that RiseUp is not responsible for any harm that might occur. I understand and agree that RiseUp does not provide insurance to cover expenses for damage to my personal property and that RiseUp strongly recommends that I also carry my own health, medical and property insurance for purposes of potential losses related to this project. I fully release and discharge rise up and its employees, officers, and agents from all liability in connection with my participation in this trip.
Please Select "Survival Revival Weekend" to Confirm Your Total *
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