Say It with Love picks up where Listen with L.O.V.E. left off. In this workshop we build on the listening skills we learned in the previous workshop and explore ways to further positive communication. Specifically, we will find out how to get our own needs met while honoring our relationships with others. We will talk about the different kinds of communication styles people use, how to frame our concerns and requests to loved ones in ways they will best respond to, and how to negotiate our needs in ways that make everyone satisfied.
While we do encourage everyone to approach this as a two-part series, participants do not need to have completed Listen with L.O.V.E. to attend this program.
Content is adapted from the Community Reinforcement And Family Training model as well as using DBT-informed skills.
Cancelations for Southborough Youth and Family Services (SYFS) Department sponsored programming will be announced by the SYFS Department via the email participants provide as well as an online posting through the department's Facebook page. Workshops with fewer than 5 confirmed attendees will be canceled due to low enrollment and confirmed participants will be offered an opening at a future workshop. SYFS reserves the right to cancel programs for any reason they deem necessary (weather, enrollment numbers, safety, etc.).