Beacon Health Transport: Memorial MedFlight Survey 2024
Our promise is to provide the best medical care possible. We thank you in advance for completing the following questions so that we can continue to improve the quality of our services.
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Name *
Email Address
Preferred Method of Contact *
Flight Number
Date of Transport *
Referring Facility / Agency *
Receiving Facility *
Which of the following best describes your title? *
Arranging Transport
Please rate your satisfaction with the following aspects of our air medical transport services. 
Professionalism of the person you called for transport *
Very Poor
Very Good
Overall were you satisfied with the initial call to Memorial MedFlight and/or subsequent dispatch? *
Very Poor
Very Good
For Scene Transports ONLY
Radio communications effective for landing zone operations
Very poor
Very good
Clear selection
Efficiency of the transfer once the team arrived
Very Poor
Very Good
Clear selection
The team worked well with others caring for the patient.
Very Poor
Very Good
Clear selection
Did you receive post flight contact from the air medical crew?
Clear selection
Overall Assessment
Ease of working with Beacon Health Transport: Memorial MedFlight *
Very Poor
Very Good
Likelihood of recommending our service to others *
Very Poor
Very Good
Overall how satisfied were you with your experience *
Not Satisfied
Very Satisfied
To thank you for choosing Memorial MedFlight, we would like to send you a free T-Shirt.
BEACON ASSOCIATES -  Your t-shirt will be delivered through interoffice mail. Please fill out your location and department name. 
Are you a Beacon associate?  *
If you are a Beacon associate, please select your location.
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If you are a Beacon associate, please enter your department name.
T-Shirt Size
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Non-Beacon Associates - Please enter your address to send t-shirt - please include city, state and zip code. 
We'd love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts on what we did well, areas for improvement, and any suggestions, comments, or concerns you may have. *
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service!
If you have any difficulty with this form, contact Blake Mattucci, Transport Service Outreach & Business Development Coordinator at
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