DUDL Student Registration: 2022-23 Season
DUDL Season Registration form gathers information about participants essential to the operation of of the Denver Urban Debate League(DUDL). DUDL may share information with the National Association for Urban Debate Leagues (NAUDL). DUDL and NAUDL use information to improve and grow urban debate programs. DUDL and NAUDL may use data to measure your academic progress. DUDL and NAUDL do not share, sell, rent or trade personally identifiable information with third parties for their promotional purposes.
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Email *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
School Name *
Student ID *
Date of Birth *
Grade *
Expected Graduation Date (HS) *
Gender *
Pronouns *
Race & Ethnicity *
Check all that apply.
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email *
Phone Number *
 Name of Parent/Legal Guardian 1 *
Email of Parent/Legal Guardian 1 *
Phone # of Parent/Legal Guardian 1 *
Address of Parent/Legal Guardian 1 *
 Name of Parent/Legal Guardian 2
Email of Parent/Legal Guardian 2
Phone # of Parent/Legal Guardian 2
Address of Parent/Legal Guardian 2
What careers are you interested in? *
Has your parent/legal guardian completed and returned your DUDL consent form to your coach? *
Do you participate in extra-curricular activities? *
If so, which ones?
Do you have a part time job? *
If so which?
During the 2021-23 season will you participate in Speech, Debate, or Both? *
Which events are you interested in? *
Check all that apply.
If you are a returning student, what events have you participated in and for how long? *
( Years and/or # of tournaments)
Are you classified as Novice or Varsity( Open)? *
Why did you join DUDL? *
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This form was created inside of National Association for Urban Debate Leagues.

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