Augustana Class Notes
Tell us what's new with you!

Have you accepted a new job, retired or relocated?
Do you have an interesting hobby or unique travel experience you’d like to share?
Have you received an award or other special recognition?

Tell us your exciting news — or news about your fellow grads — and we will include it in the Class Notes section in a future issue of Augustana's CIRCLE magazine. You can also send a photo with a caption to

Notes will be edited for clarity, length and style.
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Last Name *
Email Address *
Are you submitting news on behalf of someone else? *
If answered "Yes" above, who are you submitting for, and what is their email?
Your Degree (or degree of who you're submitting for)
Your Degree Year (or degree year of who you're submitting for)
Your News *
Can we use your information for publication in print or on the web? *
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The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be protected under Part 2 of that Act. 4901 It will be used for the purpose of alumni, donor engagement and philanthropic activities. Questions concerning the collection, use or disclosure of this information should be directed to the Office of Advancement, Augustana Campus, 4901 46 Ave, Camrose, AB, T4V 2R3,
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