Campus Martius Field Trip Registration (2024-2025)
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School Name *
School Street Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Main Contact Name (Teacher/Staff)
Main Contact Email
Main Contact Phone Number
Grade Level
Number of Students (13 students/group. Limited to 52 students/day for 4 programs, 60 for 5 programs, 73 for 6 programs. Can arrange a second day if total students is more)
Number of Teachers *
Number of Total Chaperones ($3/Chaperone) 1 Adult (Teacher or Chaperone) per group of up to 13 students and 1 - 2 extras as "floaters"
Do you anticipate allowing students to purchase items from the museum gift shop? 
Will you be eating lunch at the museum? 
Do you have any students with physical or communication limitations that our staff should be aware of? If so, please reach out to a museum staff member to specify how we can make accommodations. 
Please select from the following:
First Date Preference
Second date preference 
I understand that registrations are accepted in the order they are received and that preference is not given to individuals, schools, or teachers. 
I understand that my registration is not complete until Northwest Territory Museum Society has confirmed my date. 
I understand that full payment must be made at least 24 hours in advance. 
I understand that my first and/or second date/time is not guaranteed and that I may be placed on a waiting list if program dates are filled.
I understand that I can update my number of students up to two weeks in advance without a penalty. 
I understand that no program is guaranteed as availability is reliant on museum staffing. 
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