Apply now to present to one of the smartest audiences around.
Here you can submit a proposal for a talk at the OSDN Conference 2021.
Talks are 40 minutes, generally 30 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
We seek talks in a huge variety of subjects, for people who range from experts to those seeking to learn what Free and Open Source Software is.
Please submit your talk proposals by the deadline of September 1, 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@osdn.org.ua.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Email *
Phone number
Where are you from
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Talk title *
Abstract, up to 400 symbols with spaces *
Company *
Position in company *
DevOps, Developer etc
Photo url *
200x200 px
Bio (for website)
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