Ohio Faculty Sign-Up: Speaking Out Against Senate Bill 83
The Ohio Conference of the AAUP (American Association of University Professors), in collaboration with coalition partners, is seeking Ohio faculty (NTT, TTT, and everyone who researches and teachers at Ohio universities) who want to speak out against SB 83.  We definitely need people to testify against SB 83 in the Ohio Statehouse. You can also indicate whether you are willing to share your knowledge and experience with the media, or at public events like panels, teach-ins, or rallies.

Filling out this form is helpful for our planning, and we will be in touch to answer any questions, but you must submit your own testimony. The opposition hearing will be Wednesday, April 19, at 4:00 pm in the South Hearing Room; written-only and in-person testimony must be submitted by Tuesday, April 18, 4:00 pm, to Jake.Dowling@ohiosenate.gov and Cirino@ohiosenate.gov along with a witness slip. 

Please note: this is a form is specifically for identifying Ohio faculty who want to speak out. Go your local AAUP chapter or to Honesty for Ohio Education to get on a general information list as well.

-- Pranav Jani, AAUP-Ohio State and Sara Kilpatrick, Ohio Conference of the AAUP (updated 4/15/23)
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Name (pronouns encouraged but up to you) *
University/College *
Job Title *
Email (required, consider giving a non-work email) *
Phone number (not required)
Are you willing to testify at the Statehouse on SB 83 (the schedule for the hearing isn't out yet) and be on the public record? *
Are you willing to be contacted by an organizer regarding your testimony? *
What topics are you interested to speak on? (choose all that apply) *
What else would you like to share about yourself or your ideas? (not required)
Are you available to testify in the late afternoon/evening on Wednesday, April 19? The hearing is scheduled to begin at 4 pm. Please let us know here if you have time constraints that we may be able to help accommodate.
Would you be available as a speaker for media requests and public forums? Would you like to write op-eds or blog posts? Please check all that apply. *
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