Open Call - Website
We are building a website of Transgender/Non-binary artists only, and are looking for talented artists.

Do you have something to sell?
Paintings, sculpture, music, clothing, zines, prints...everything is welcome!

(Your art is Trans* regardless of the themes you are working on. Every project, if interesting, is appreciated<3)

No need to stress about perfection, we can help you make your product be ready for launch.
Don't panic, you are amazing!

Additional info at:
Name *
Do you identify as a Trans* and/or Non-Binary person?
Clear selection
Pronouns *
City *
Instagram Username
Type of Art *
Make a Google Drive folder with all the material needed and write the link below

Please include: 
-3+ png photos of your artwork with and witouth background
-3+ photo of the artist
-the artist bio
-the artpiece description
-the price
Clear form
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