Change of Contact Information
If you are a healthcare provider in New Jersey and are already listed on Garden State Equality's Affirming Healthcare Map but need to change your contact information, please update us by filling out this form. Please fill out the form completely, even the details that are remaining the same, so that we can ensure our data is as accurate as possible.

If you are not yet listed on the map but would like to be, fill out this form instead.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you an individual practitioner or part of a larger group of providers?
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Healthcare Facility/Group Name
Provider Name(s)
Email Address *
For contacting you only - this will not be listed on the map.
Phone Number *
Please enter in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
Please include https:// or http:// at the beginning of the URL.
Street Address
What county do you practice in? *
Check all that apply
ZIP Code
What are your specialties? *
Check all that apply
Do you provide services in person, virtually, or both?
What types of insurance do you take?
Have you previously undergone a Garden State Equality training on LGBTQ+ cultural competency in healthcare?
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If yes, what year were you trained?
Do you have any questions or comments for Garden State Equality's team?
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This form was created inside of Garden State Equality.

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