The form for signing this letter is at the very bottom.
The initial letter signing deadline is Tuesday, July 13. We will continue collecting signatures on this letter until Congress begins voting on Biden's budget and tax plans later in July.
Dear Members of Congress:
President Biden’s Build Back Better proposals provide Congress a historic opportunity to move toward an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy and corporations. The president has proposed long-overdue investments that will create good-paying jobs, rebuild communities and expand opportunities for working families that will reduce inequality. Importantly, the president’s fiscal plans will fulfill his general goal to use the government to achieve greater racial equity. Federal tax and spending policies have historically contributed to the troubling income and wealth gaps between Black and white Americans; Biden’s proposed reforms will reverse many of those policies.
At the heart of the president’s plans are big and bold public investments financed by requiring the rich and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. The president’s economic plan—consisting of the American Jobs Plan, Americans Families Plan and Made in America Tax Plan—will finance $4.2 trillion in new investments with $3.8 trillion in revenues from the wealthy and corporations over 10 years. In the U.S. Senate these plans provide the framework for the $3.5 trillion budget resolution that is being debated and voted on this week.
Those investments will rebuild roads, bridges, and other infrastructure; expand the use of clean energy; strengthen American manufacturing and small businesses; make healthcare premiums and housing more affordable; increase investment in public education, childcare, and home- and community-based supports for the elderly ​and people with disabilities; guarantee workers up to 12 weeks of annual paid family and medical leave; and help rebuild the middle class.
The president’s tax reforms, which will not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 a year and affects less than 2% of taxpayers in every state, are widely popular. In 12 recent polls, voters support the president’s proposals by 60% to 65% or more, including independent voters. Here are our views about the president’s tax plan, which are explained in more detail in this letter signed by 97 national groups.
American corporate profits have set records in recent years. Meanwhile, in 2020 55 of the nation’s biggest corporations (including FedEx, Nike and made $40.5 billion in total profits but paid nothing in federal income taxes. A government survey of over 1,500 U.S.-based multinational firms found that for 2018, they paid an average U.S. tax rate of just 7.8%—far below the median 14% tax rate paid by all households. American corporations dodge an estimated $60 billion a year in U.S. taxes by shifting profits and production offshore because the federal income tax rate on their foreign profits is about half the domestic tax rate. President Biden has three major proposals to address this tax avoidance and require corporations to begin to pay their fair share:
Raise the corporate tax rate to 28%—a 25% rate is NOT high enough. This will raise nearly $900 billion, $300 billion more than the 25% rate the business community asked for in 2017.
Curb offshore corporate tax dodging by eliminating incentives to outsource jobs and shift profits to tax havens. This will raise more than $1 trillion.
Establish a 15% minimum corporate tax so that large profitable corporations cannot get away with paying zero in federal income taxes. This will raise $150 billion.

America’s wealthiest 1% got $4 trillion richer last year, capturing 35% of the extra wealth generated nationwide while the poorest half of the population got just 4%. The nation’s 650 billionaires saw their collective fortunes increase by 55%, or $1.6 trillion, during the first 13 months of the pandemic. That is enough to pay for nearly two-fifths (38%) of the $4.2 trillion cost of Biden’s investment plans.  
Billionaires and millionaires living off their wealth can pay a lower tax rate than middle-class workers like teachers, nurses and truck drivers pay on their wages. The richest 1% are responsible for more than one-third of total tax evasion, costing the $175 billion per year. President Biden has proposed three principal reforms to tax the wealthy more fairly:

Tax wealth like work. People earning more than $1 million a year would have to pay a top tax rate on the sale of stock and other assets that is the same as the top rate workers pay on wages. Biden also will close a loophole that often allows the wealthy to avoid paying taxes on investment gains for their entire lives. These reforms will raise $325 billion.
Restore the top individual tax rate to 39.6% and stop avoidance of healthcare taxes by wealthy business owners that are used to fund healthcare. These two reforms will together raise $370 billion.
Crack down on tax evasion by the wealthy, which will raise $700 billion.
These reforms affecting the wealthy are a great start. However, after years of tax breaks and gaming the system, Congress should require the wealthy to do much more to raise revenues for shared priorities. Options include:
Cap the value of itemized deductions at 28%, which will raise about $225 billion while making the system fairer.
Restore the estate tax to 2009 levels and close dynasty trust and other loopholes. Family fortunes below $3.5 million would not be taxed. It will raise about $220 billion and affect 0.6% of estates.
End the 20% deduction for owners of pass-through businesses earning more than $400,000. Most of the benefit of this deduction flows to the wealthiest 1% of business owners. This will raise about $140 billion.  
Enact a wealth tax of just 2% on households worth over $50 million or 3% on billionaires. This could raise an estimated $3 trillion and narrow the nation’s destabilizing wealth gap.
Enact a financial transaction tax (or Wall Street Sales tax) of as little as 10 cents on every $100 worth of trades in stock and other securities. This could raise some $750 billion while calming risky and harmful speculation that is costly to small investors.
Now is the time to unrig the tax system and rebuild our economy so that everyone has a meaningful chance to prosper, care for their families and secure the future for coming generations. Congress should take the first step now to pass President Biden’s tax proposals and even add to them to ensure the economy works for all of us, not just the wealthy and corporations.

Hometown Action
The REVEALER Newsletter

National Education Association - Alaska
UAW Region 4

AFSCME AZ Retirees
AFSCME Local 2384
AFSCME Local 2960
Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans
Arizona Center for Economic Progress
Arizona Dream Act Coalition
Arizona Education Association
Arizona Head Start Association
Arizona Medicare for All Coalition
Arizona Progressive People’s Alliance
Arizona Students’ Association
Children's Action Alliance - Arizona
Cornucopia Community Advocates
For All
Fuerte Arts Movement
Progress Arizona
Progressive Democrats of America - Arizona
Stand Indivisible - Arizona
UnidosUS Action Fund

Arkansas Community Organizations
Indivisible Little Rock and Central Arkansas

Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Action
California Housing Partnership
Change Begins With ME (Indivisible)
Coalition of California Welfare Rights Organizations
Friends Committee on Legislation of California
Golden State Opportunity
Health Access California
Indivisible Beach Cities
Indivisible CA-43 MoveOn
Indivisible East Bay
Indivisible Fortuna
Indivisible Marin
Indivisible Media City Burbank
Indivisible Napa
Indivisible Northridge
Indivisible OC 48
Indivisible San Francisco
Indivisible San Jose
Indivisible Sonoma County
Indivisible South Bay LA
Indivisible Stanislaus
Indivisible Ventura
Inland Equity Partnership
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE)
Mutual Housing California
Postcard Project MvCAN
Progressive Democrats of America - California
Progressive Mariposa
RESULTS Sierra Nevada
Sigma Beta Xi, Inc.
Southern California Americans for Democratic Action (SoCal ADA)
Venice Resistance

AFSCME Council 18
All Families Deserve A Chance Coalition
American Federation of Teachers Colorado
The Bell Policy Center
Caring for Colorado Foundation
Center for Health Progress
Colorado Center on Law and Policy
Colorado Children's Campaign
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Colorado Education Association
Colorado Fiscal Institute
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)
Colorado Working Families Party
The Consortium
Denver Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)
Human Services Network of Colorado
New Era Colorado
Progressive Democrats of America - Colorado
ProgressNow Colorado
SEIU Colorado
Together Colorado
United for a New Economy

Connecticut Alliance for Retired Americans
Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG)
Connecticut State University - American Association of University Professors (CSU-AAUP)
Cooperative Development Institute
National Association of Social Workers, Connecticut Chapter
Witnesses to Hunger New Haven

Delaware State Education Association

AFSCME District Council 20
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Washington DC

All About the Ballots
Central Florida LCLAA Chapter
Faith In Public Life - Florida
Florida AFL-CIO
Florida AFSCME Retirees Chapter 79
Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
Florida Black Women's Roundtable
Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy
Florida For All
Florida For Our Future
Florida Leadership Council
Florida National Organization for Women
Florida People’s Advocacy Center
Florida Policy Institute
Florida Voices for Health
Our Revolution Florida
Progressive Democrats Of America - Florida
UnidosUS Action Fund
Women's March Florida

Faith in Public Life Action - Georgia
Georgia AFL-CIO
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute
Indivisible Georgia Coalition
Our Revolution Georgia
SisterSong: Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

Hawaii Americans for Democratic Action (Hawaii ADA)
Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice
Hawaii Children's Action Network Speaks!
Hawaii State Teachers Association
UAW Region 4

UAW Region 4
United Vision for Idaho

AFSCME Council 31
AIDS Foundation Chicago
Chicago Area Chapter of The Main Street Alliance
Chicago Area Peace Action
Chicago Teachers Union, AFT Local 1
Citizen Action/Illinois
Communications Workers of America District 4
Empower Southwest
Housing Action Illinois
Illinois AFL-CIO
Illinois Alliance For Retired Americans
Illinois Federation of Teachers
Indivisible IL-9
Local 416 - Amalgamated Transit Union
Northeastern Illinois Americans for Democratic Action (NeIl ADA)
Our Illinois Revolution
Progressive Democrats of America - Illinois
The People's Lobby
Shriver Center on Poverty Law
Sierra Club Illinois
UAW Region 4
UAW Region 4 Illinois State CAP Council
UAW Region 4 Retired Workers Council

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) - Indiana
Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Communications Workers of America District 4
East Village Business Owners Association
Faith in Indiana
Indiana Americans for Democratic Action (Indiana ADA)
Indiana Institute for Working Families
Lafayette Urban Ministry
NETWORK Indiana Advocates Team
Our Revolution Indiana
RESULTS Bloomington Indiana

AFSCME Council 61
Common Good Iowa
Indivisible Huxley
Indivisible Iowa
Indivisible SD1
Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans
Iowa Americans for Democratic Action (Iowa ADA)
Iowa Citizen Action Network
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Iowa Main Streets and Country Roads
Iowa State Education Association
Iowa Unity Coalition
Methodist Federation for Social Action,  Iowa Chapter
Progress Iowa
South Central Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
Tax March Iowa
UAW Region 4
UAW Region 4 Iowa State CAP Council
Upgrade Medicaid Iowa

AFSCME Council 61
National Education Association - Kansas
UAW Region 4
UAW Region 4 Midwest States Cap Council

Jefferson County Teachers Association
Kentucky Alliance for Retired Americans
Kentucky Center for Economic Policy
Kentucky Equal Justice Center
Kentucky Voices for Health
NETWORK Kentucky Advocates Team
The Women's Network

Louisiana Budget Project

AFSCME Council 93
Alliance for Addiction and Mental Health Services, Maine
Consumers for Affordable Health Care
Cooperative Development Institute
Family Child Care Association of Maine
Food AND Medicine
Gateway Community Services of Maine
Health Equity Alliance
Maine Association for New Americans
Maine Association for the Education of Young Children
Maine Center for Economic Policy
Maine Children's Alliance
Maine Education Association
Maine Equal Justice Partners
Maine Immigrants Rights Coalition
Maine People's Alliance
Maine Small Business Coalition
Maine State Nurses Association
Maine Student Action
Mainers for Accountable Leadership
Maine Women's Lobby
MSEA-SEIU Local 1989
National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC) - Maine
National Nurses United (NNU) - Maine
New Mainers Alliance
Raise-Op Housing Cooperative
Sister of Mercy

Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) - Maryland
Climate Law & Policy Project
Climate XChange Maryland
Communities United
Fair Funding Coalition
Maryland Center on Economic Policy
Maryland Congress of Parents and Teachers Inc
Maryland Latinos Unidos (MLU)
Maryland Legislative Coalition
Maryland Rise
Maryland State Education Association
Our Maryland
Our Revolution Baltimore City and County
Our Revolution Howard County
Our Revolution Maryland
Our Revolution Montgomery County
Progressive Democrats of America - Maryland
Public Justice Center
Rebuild Maryland Coalition
RESULTS Metro Maryland
SEIU Local 500
Strong Future Maryland

AFSCME Council 93
Cooperative Development Institute
Greater Andover Indivisible
Indivisible Massachusetts Coalition
Indivisible Outer Cape
Indivisible Pittsfield
Indivisible Worcester
Progressive Democrats of America - Massachusetts
RESULTS Massachusetts
Rise Up Western Mass Indivisible
Stop TB Massachusetts

AFSCME Council 25
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) - Michigan
Communications Workers of America District 4
Michigan Education Association
Michigan Faith in Action
Michigan League for Public Policy
Progress Michigan
UFCW Local 1189

AFSCME Council 5
AFSCME Council 65
CWA MN State Council
Education Minnesota
ISAIAH Minnesota
Main Street Alliance - Minnesota
TakeAction Minnesota
UAW Region 4
UAW Region 4 Minnesota State CAP Council
UFCW Local 1189

Mississippi Black Women's Roundtable
Mississippi Coalition for Citizens with Disabilities
Mississippi Women's Economic Security Initiative
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) - Mississippi

AFSCME Council 61
Communities Creating Opportunity
Missouri Action Alliance
Missouri National Education Association (NEA)
RESULTS Kansas City
UAW Region 4
UAW Region 4 Midwest States Cap Council

ADAPT Montana
Big Sky 55+
Carol’s List
Cold Springs Organics
Jefferson County Indivisible Group
Montana Budget & Policy Center
Montana Federation of Public Employees
Montana State AFL-CIO
Montana Women Vote
North-Missoula Community Development Corporation
SEIU Local 775
Truth to Power
UAW Region 4
United Methodist Church
Wulf & Associates Real Estate
Zest Billings LLC

Grace Lutheran Church
Nebraska Alliance for Retired Americans
Nebraska Appleseed
Progressive Democrats of America - Nebraska
UAW Region 4

AFSCME Local 4041
Battle Born Progress
Children’s Advocacy Alliance
Culinary Union Local 226
Faith in Action Nevada
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
For Our Future Nevada
Indivisible Northern Nevada
Make It Work Nevada
Make the Road Nevada
Native Voters Alliance Nevada
Nevada State Education Association
Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada
UAW Region 4
UnidosUS Action Fund - Nevada
United Natives

350 New Hampshire
603 Forward
AFSCME Council 93
American Friends Service Committee - NH Program
Black Lives Matter Seacoast
Cooperative Development Institute
Economic Justice Mission Group of the NH Conference, United Church of Christ
Granite State Progress
Kent Street Coalition
Meriden Congregational Church, UCC
Neighborhood Access
New Hampshire AFL-CIO
New Hampshire Poor People's Campaign
New Hampshire Youth Movement
Occupy Seacoast
The Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire
Rights and Democracy NH

AFSCME New Jersey Council 63
Communication Workers of America Local 1032
Faith in New Jersey
Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) AFT/AFL-CIO
Hudson County Central Labor Council
IFPTE Local 194
Main Street Alliance - New Jersey
Make the Road New Jersey
NETWORK New Jersey Advocates Team
New Jersey Appleseed Public Interest Law Center
New Jersey Citizen Action
New Jersey Education Association
New Jersey State Industrial Union Council
New Jersey Working Families
Our Revolution Monmouth County
Our Revolution Trenton Mercer
Rutgers American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
Rutgers American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

AFSCME Council 18
New Mexico Hemp Company
Progressive Democrats of America - New Mexico

89th Street Tenants Unidos Association
Alliance for Quality Education
Bend the Arc Jewish Action Long Island
Bend the Arc Jewish Action Riverdale
Carroll Gardens Association
CCoHOPE Indivisible
The Church of Gethsemane (PCUSA)
Church Women United in New York State
Citizen Action of New York
Cooperative Development Institute
District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO
Downtown Women for Change
Empire Baptist Missionary Convention
Empire State Indivisible
Faith in New York
Fiscal Policy Institute
Freelancers Union, Inc.
Greater NYC for Change
Greene New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN)
Housing Rights Initiative
Housing Works, Inc.
Hunger Free America
Indivisible Harlem
Indivisible Mohawk Valley
Indivisible Ulster NY19
The Interfaith Alliance - Long Island
Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing
Inwood Indivisible
Literacy Assistance Center
Long Island Activists
Long Island Progressive Coalition
Make the Road NY
Metro New York Health Care for All
Morningside Heights Resistance
New York Communities for Change
New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN)
New York State Council of Churches
New York Working Families Party
New York Youth Climate Leaders
New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness
North Country New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN)
Nunda/Warsaw United Methodist Churches
NYC Solidarity Sundays
Pakistan People's Party Secular (PPP)  
Progressive Action of Lower Manhattan
Progressive East End Reformers (PEER) - Suffolk County
Progressive Schenectady
Pure Vision Foundation
The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie
Save Our Storefronts
Solidarity Committee - Capital District
St. Timothy Lutheran Church
Staten Island Women Who March
Strong Economy For All Coalition
Tenants Political Action Committee
True Blue New York
United Methodist Church of Clyde
United University Professions
Upper West Side Action
Upper West Side MoveOn/Indivisible Action Group
Upstate New York Synod
Village Independent Democrats
West Harlem Progressive Democrats
Westchester for Change
Westchester United

Action North Carolina
Families Moving Forward
Fayetteville Police Accountability Community Taskforce
Lideres en Accion
North Carolina Association of Educators
North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
North Carolina Council of Churches
North Carolina League of Conservation Voters
Safe Coalition North Carolina
SisterSong: Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective
Tenant Organizing Resource Center

AFSCME Council 65
UAW Region 4

AFSCME, Ohio Council 8, AFL-CIO
Communications Workers of America District 4
Contact Center
CWA Local 4319
Faith in Public Life Action - Ohio
Glass City Church of Christ
Mt. Ararat Baptist Church
Ohio Education Association
Ohioans for Sustainable Change
Our Revolution Mahoning Valley
Our Revolution Ohio
Policy Matters Ohio
RESULTS  Columbus
River Valley Organizing
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church
Truevine Baptist Church
Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio

Oklahoma Policy Institute

Act For Democracy
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) - Oregon
Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network (COIN)
Indivisible Bend
Indivisible Clackamas District Five
Indivisible Oregon
Indivisible Sisters
Main Street Alliance - Oregon
North Coast Indivisible Oregon
Oregon Center for Public Policy
Oregon Education Association
Oregon Nurses Association
Our Revolution Oregon
Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon
Progressive Democrats of America - Oregon
SEIU Local 503
Tax Fairness Oregon
UAW Region 4

The 99% Pennsylvania Campaign
Action Wellness
AFSCME District Council 88
American Federation of Teachers Pennsylvania (AFT-PA)
Americans for Democratic Action, Southeastern Pennsylvania
Asian Pacific Islander Political Alliance
Bucks County Women's Advocacy Coalition
Campaign for Working Families, Inc.
Capital Region Stands Up
Coalition for Low Income Pennsylvanians
Community Advocates of Montgomery County PA
Compass Community Connections
Cumberland Valley Rising
Gettysburg Democracy for America
Greater Philadelphia Section National Council of Jewish Women
Heavenly Made Creations
Here for Us Advocacy Coalition
Indivisible Bucks County
Indivisible Pennsylvania
Indivisible Philadelphia
Just Harvest
Keystone Research Center
Lehigh Valley Stands Up
Lycoming County Progressives
National Council of Jewish Women (NJCW) - Pennsylvania
NETWORK Erie Advocates Team
NETWORK Philadelphia Advocates Team
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP)
Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center
Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Pennsylvania Health Access Network
Pennsylvania Stands Up
Pennsylvania State Education Association
Perry County Literacy Council
Philadelphia Chapter of NOW
Philadelphia City Council
Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO
Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, Local 3
Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC) Pennsylvania
Rodef Shalom
SEIU Healthcare PA
Sisters of the Redeemer
Southeastern Pennsylvania Americans for Democratic Action (SePa ADA)
UnidosUS Action Fund
Unitarian Universalist Justice PA
Urban League of Philadelphia
VNA Community Services, Inc.
Voice of Westmoreland
We Stand Indivisible

Our Revolution Puerto Rico

Cooperative Development Institute
AFL-CIO - Rhode Island
Economic Progress Institute
National Association of Social Workers, RI Chapter
National Education Association Rhode Island (NEARI)
National Organization for Women - Rhode Island chapter
Protect Our Healthcare Coalition RI
Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty
Rhode Island Alliance of Social Service Employees
Rhode Island College Faculty AFT Local 1819
Rhode Island Working Families Party
SEIU Local 580
Social Action Committee of Channing Memorial Church
Together Women Rise
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of South County
Women's Fund of Rhode Island
The Womxn Project

AFSCME Council 65
UAW Region 4

Our Revolution Nashville
Our Revolution Tennessee

AFSCME Chapter 12
Austin Justice Coalition
Houston Justice Coalition
Our Revolution Central Texas
Our Revolution North Texas
Our Revolution Texas
Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
Texas State Teachers Association

Alliance for a Better Utah
Utahns Against Hunger
Voices for Utah Children

AFSCME Council 93
Cooperative Development Institute
Main Street Alliance - Vermont

AMMD Pine Grove Project
Appalachian Voices
Black Lives Matter 804
The Black Women's Collective: Dan River Region
Chesapeake Climate Action Network & CCAN Action Fund
The Clinch Coalition
The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis
Fairfax County Federation of Teachers (AFT 2401)
Faith Deliverance Christian Center
Friends of Buckingham
Friends of Nelson
Greater Living Word Ministries
Helping Young People Everywhere (HYPE)
In Touch Academy Inc.
The Maggie Walker Community Land Trust
Main Street Alliance - Virginia
Metropolitan Community Church of Richmond
The Motley Consulting Group, LLC
NAACP Pittsylvania County Branch 7096
New Macedonia Christian United Church of Christ
New Virginia Majority
Norfolk Federation of Teachers
Performing Statistics
Political Latinxs United for Movement and Action in Society (PLUMAS) - Virginia
Preserve Giles County
Progress Virginia
Progressive Democrats of America - Virginia
The Richmond Crusade for Voters
RESULTS Virginia
RISE for Youth
Southern Virginia Latino Association
Staunton Organizing
Virginia AFL-CIO
Virginia Education Association
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Virginia Organizing
Voices for Virginia's Children

Build Back Better USA
Faith Action Network
Firelands Workers Action/Acción de Trabajadores
Indivisible Eastside
Indivisible Skagit
Indivisible Valley 1st District
Indivisible Washington's 8th District
Northwest Health Law Advocates
UAW Region 4
WA Federation of State Employees, AFSCME Council 28

American Friends Service Committee WV Program
Gesundheit Institute
Main Street Alliance - West Virginia
National Association of Social Workers - West Virginia Chapter
Our Future WV
RESULTS West Virginia
Rise Up West Virginia
Southern Appalachian Labor School
West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy
West Virginia Citizen Action Group
West Virginia Working Families Party
West Virginians for Affordable Health Care
Women's March West Virginia

AFSCME Council 32
Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC)
Citizen Action of Wisconsin
Communications Workers of America District 4
For Our Future Wisconsin
Harambee Village Doulas
Indivisible Madison
Kids Forward
Leaders Igniting Transformation
Main Street Alliance - Wisconsin
Menomonee Falls Action Team
Milwaukee Area Service and Hospitality Workers
Milwaukee Teachers and Educators Association
SEIU Healthcare Wisconsin
UAW Region 4
UAW Region 4 Wisconsin State CAP Council
Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent Schools
Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans
Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals
Wisconsin Public Education Network

UAW Region 4
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