The support letter must be in pdf and max 5 MB. Please compress the file before sending it.
I've sent already
I'll send as soon as the application if filled
I do not represent an organization
Phone number (including international code) *
Your answer
Your role in the organization or in the journalism sector. *
Your answer
Your experience in the field of the project? *
Your answer
How could you multiply the impact of the activity when you are back in your local/regional/national community? *
Your answer
Are you directly involved in activities related to the subject of the project? If yes, please specify. *
Your answer
How will you contribute to the programme of the activities? Make examples of non-formal learning activities you could propose or lead. *
Your answer
City of departure and estimated travel costs to Palermo (PMO airport or Palermo train station) or to Catania (CTA airport) or to Trapani (TPS) airport. *
Your answer
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