Terms and Conditions:

1. Sub-total cost of civil work including Earthwork in Excavation, Earth filling, Sand Filling, Brickwork, PCC Work, RCC Work, Plaster work is shown in this estimate.
2. Reinforce is adopting by using of thumb rule ( with minimum grade Fe415 )
3. Bill of quantity or Details Estimation required before made this estimation
4. For Concrete work 1.5 times decreases with lean mixes and increases with rich concrete mixes
5. For mortar work 1.3 times decreases with lean mixes and increases with rich concrete mixes
6. Assume all brick is traditional brick with standard dimension of ( 230 x 110 x 70 mm )
7. Assume 1 bag cement weight is 50kg and 1 m3 cement is equal to 29 bags of cement
8. Assume dry mortar is 35% of brick work by volumn
9. Assume Plaster increase its quantity by 20% for filling in depressions, joints and wasteage
10.Standard approximate charges add to calculate grand total cost of construction
11.Assume Reference document is correct
12.Rate cost estimation for only typical residential building of west Bengal only
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