COVID-19 Online planning
Please complete this short form, to be used only for the purposes of our class, to help me understand what your expectations, needs, and preferences are regarding online instruction.

The university has requested that faculty educate themselves on online teaching tools and strategies. To my mind, this also requires understanding how you learn and how your lives may change during this time of online instruction. Teaching online poses many challenges, and I want to make sure that we are all investing time to create an experience that is as likely as possible to provide an informative and enjoyable experience.

I understand that your lives may change in substantive ways during this time. Your personal health, family/caretaking obligations, travel and commuting time, work, and financial situation might be significantly affected. You might also be staying in a location with different technology infrastructure and access than is available on campus. Please consider how you might be affected by working from a "home" or other alternative location and share those insights with me below to the best of your preference and ability.

Let's make the rest of the semester a success, no matter how we end up working together!
Professor Rotter
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What kind of device(s) do you expect to use to read, listen to, and/or watch online course content? [check boxes, can select multiple] *
In case that you have no reliable Internet connection or appropriate equipment, which of the following tasks might be impeded?
In an ideal world, would you prefer live (synchronous), pre-recorded (asynchronous), or mixed instruction materials? This is one we will have to balance based on the full range of availability expectations within our class
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Have you ever taken an online class before? If so, was it synchronous (live), asynchronous (where you could do it on your own time), or some combination?
In case you took an online course before: What kind of online activities and assignments worked best for your learning?
Do you have any accessibility requests for me regarding online teaching? For example, materials available in a different format, (live) transcriptions, screen reader access, reduced screen time, specific approaches to discussion boards, a preference of video discussion vs. discussion boards, etc? If you think you may need to update existing accommodations for ALL your classes, I recommend reaching out to the Office of Disability Services ASAP
Do you have any concerns about accessing resources while campus is closed, including basic needs (food, shelter, medical care), psychological care and counseling, or access to technology that you wish to share with me?
Do you have any additional questions or concerns about moving to online classes that you would like to share with me?
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