End of Year Evaluation
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Name *
Grade *
School *
1. Do you like the monthly workshops? *
2. If you do like the workshops, what do you like best?
3. If you don't like the workshops, why don't you like them?  What could be better?
4. In what ways could Haiti Scholarships help you more (non-monetary)?
5.  What was your favorite workshop topic this year?
6. What are topics you would like to see at workshops next year? *
7. Do you feel Haiti Scholarships is helping you and your family? *
8. Do you think Haiti Scholarships is doing a good job at providing scholarships? *
9. What could Haiti Scholarships do better?
10. Without the help from Haiti Scholarships, would you still be able to go to school? *
11. Where does the money come from to pay for the rest of your tuition and fees? Check all that apply. *
12. Are you able to focus more on school because of Haiti Scholarships' help? *
13.  Have your grades improved since Haiti Scholarships started helping you? *
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