Lucidity Township Update & Survey
Lucidity has grown over the past 3 years... starting from a corner of a region, expanding its way to a full region and now two full regions. It's because of all of the community that has made this possible, thank you! 

Some may have noticed that the past year Lucidity has been shifting gears. Lucidity College was a cool idea that things started out as, but as time has gone on things have changed direction over time to move away from such a strong College-theme and begin forming itself into Lucidity Township. 

Lucidity Township includes a few different places now. The Twinks Club, I Am Here, Trade Club, The Basement, Lucidity College, Lucidity Frat House, and most recently Cellblock X amongst a few different game rooms, movie theaters, and a few other places to explore and rentals to live within.

Note: The Twinks Club, I Am Here, and Trade Club are independently owned by other individuals, but operate at Lucidity Township. 

With all of this, things are constantly evolving here just like all of Second Life and now is the time I'd like to ask the community what they would like to see more (or less) of in an attempt to make things more enjoyable for the upcoming SummerThis survey will be used towards the generalized community of Lucidity Township.

It's because of you guys that I continue to try my best with my busy real-life schedule to keep things going as much as possible with the help of everyone who continues to show support.

Please be honest with your opinions as these may help shape the future and I want you all to enjoy things here! Only Lucidity Township Owner (Devin OwO) will be able to see these responses, but general results may be shared with the other independent owners of locations listed above. You are also always free to message directly, the door is always open!

It's completely optional but including your username I may contact you with any additional questions I may have, but it will also put you into a drawing for a 5000L GC to Devinz Designz as a thank you for taking your time!

We also welcome you to join the following Discord channels:
Lucidity Township:

Thank you for your time!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
SL Username (Optional: May contact you, but you're put into a 5000L GC to Devinz Designz drawing!)
What would you most enjoy seeing more?
What is your favorite theme? (Medieval, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Beach, etc.)
What is your favorite place at Lucidity Township?
Why is this your favorite place?
What if your least favorite place at Lucidity Township?
Why is this your least favorite place?
What is your favorite venue in Second Life?
What events do you most enjoy? (Parties, game nights, movie nights, other)
Would you be willing to host events if given the opportunity?
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What has your overall experience within Lucidity or locations within Lucidity been like?
How can Lucidity Township be improved for your enjoyment?
What do you most enjoy about a community?
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Where would you most prefer to get information?
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Do you know about the various rentals at Lucidity Township?
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Do you have a home in SL?
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Do you have a home / place at Lucidity Township?
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If you answered yes, what is your favorite thing about it?
If you answered yes, what is your least favorite thing about it?
If you answered no, what least prevents you from owning one at Lucidity? Or is there anything that makes you not want to own one?
Are there any other comments you would like to share?
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