Vendor Interest Form
If you are interested in becoming an Alma Market vendor, please fill out the form below.
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Which State are you located?
e.g., Illinois
Which Country are you located? *
e.g., United States
What is the name of your business? *
Please select the category or categories your products would fall under *
Please describe what you will be selling on the Alma Market *
How many unique products do you plan on selling to the site? *
At this time, only physical goods can be sold on the Alma Market. We do not have functionality for digital products or external links to redirect to purchase on other websites such as Etsy or Amazon. Please confirm that you will be selling physical goods on the Alma Market. *
Do you already sell your products on another website? *
If you selected yes, please provide a link to the website
At this time, all vendors must be able to fulfill orders & ship themselves. Are you able to do so? *
How are you associated to the University? Select what applies *
If you are an alumni or current student, what was/is your class year?
e.g., 2014
Please verify that you have read the vendor FAQs *
Any other information you would like to share about you or your store?
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