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IHS Online Transcript Request Form
-This form is NOT for LaGuardia C.C. Students.
-Submit this form only if you are an alumni or a current International High School student.
-If you have any questions, please contact us
Mr. Hilde,
Suite 152
Call 718.392.3433- Extension 1528
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Request By:
Your answer
Requester Email:
Your answer
Requester Phone:
Your answer
Student's First Name:
Your answer
Student's Last Name:
Your answer
Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Your answer
Graduation Date: (mm/yyyy)(at least provide graduation year)
Your answer
Student's ID: (if any)
Your answer
Pick up options:
Pick up myself
By Mail
If You wish us to mail your transcript, please provide Address
Your answer
Your answer
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