Innovate4Cities Conference - Regional Curator  Expression of Interest 2021
Thank you for your interest in the I4C conference.

The Innovate4Cities Conference seeks to support accessible, innovative, equitable city climate action through promoting, guiding and sharing city-focused research and innovation, driving partnerships and implementation at the local and neighborhood scale.

To make this a reality, the Conference organizing committee is looking for curatorial teams from all regions of the globe, working and researching the nexus between science and practice for ambitious delivery of climate goals, to curate program elements that bring regional voices, opportunities, and priority innovation pathways and partnerships to the conference.  

The Innovate4Cities Conference Regional Curatorial teams* will be recognized as supporters of the event, for providing curated programme segments that feature tangible on-the-ground outcomes, co-creation of regional solutions, and present leading research, innovation and practice from their nominated region.

(*Regional curatorial teams are encouraged to comprise 1 -3  research or practice organizations / institutions)

Steven Bland, UN-Habitat (
Dr. Cathy Oke, University of Melbourne (

Submission deadline: 14th June 2021
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Regional Team Leader Location: (Mention country) *
Regional Team Leader Contact Name: *
Organization / Institution *
Contact Email: *
Contact Telephone Number: *
# 2 Institutional  / organization name, contact name:
# 3 Institutional  / organization name, contact name:
# 4 Institutional  / organization name, contact name:
# 5 Institutional  / organization name, contact name:
# 6 Institutional  / organization name, contact name:
Please tick the time zone you would like to contribute curatorial support to: *
Please confirm if the team includes a mix of representatives and experts from at least one city and one research institute/university within the selected time zone (additional team members from industry/business/civil society are also eligible and can be explained here) (up to 200 words) *
Please confirm if the team has the expertise to include diverse voices from their region and disciplines, including early career researchers and city practitioners, and cultural perspectives (up to 200 words) *
Please confirm if the team has the expertise to showcase (eg. via a virtual field trip) city innovation and knowledge needs from their region and specify topics if possible (up to 200 words) *
Please confirm if the team has the ability to encourage delegates to register and present city-scale climate science and solutions in/for their region (up to 200 words) *
Please indicate which of the 6 following major conference themes your team has expertise in: *
Please provide a short paragraph explaining your motivation, and the outcomes that your team aims to achieve by being a regional curator (up to 200 words) *
Please give us a teaser by suggesting 1-3 speakers, organizations, or innovative program content you would seek to recommend if you were chosen as regional curators (up to 200 words): *
Please list any other support you can provide: *
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