CS&E Payroll Appointment Request
PLEASE NOTE: Only funded work activities that can be done remotely will be processed. Please use this form for all appointments that are NOT CSci PhD Grad RA, TA, or UGTA
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Email *
Employee Last Name *
Employee First Name *
Employee / Student ID number
Employee Email *
Please add non-UMN email for new hires.
Employee / Volunteer Role *
Will they be working remotely? *
If Working remotely please enter the city and state or country.
If working remotely will this position be able to reasonably perform all funded work activities remotely?
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Does this position involve working with minors (personnel under 18)? *
Start Date *
Fall 2024 start date for everyone except undergrads is Monday 08/26/2024 and undergraduates is Tuesday 09/03/2024.
End Date *
Fall 2024 end date for everyone except undergrads is Wednesday 01/15/2025,  and undergraduates is  Sunday, 12/15/24
NSF REU Bi-Weekly Rate (2 weeks)
Enter the lump sum to be paid to the individual every two weeks. This is NOT an hourly appointment. Leave blank or enter N/A if this is not related to an REU.
Hourly Rate
# of hours per week
Enter # of hours per week. Put N/A for NSF/REU Fellows.
Advisor / Supervisor *
Advisor / Supervisor Email *
QN / Funding Account String *
Please include % for each account string
Comments, questions or concerns.
Anything else we should know on this request.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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