C.M. Newton Classic Ticket Renewal Waitlist

Thank you for your interest in joining the C.M. Newton Classic Ticket Renewal Program. Please complete the form below to get access to the yearly ticket renewal program. If you purchased tickets to the 2023 C.M. Newton Classic, you are already in the renewal program and will be emailed with more instructions. 

Tickets purchased on Ticketmaster for the 2024 match up and beyond will not be eligible for the renewal program. Fans on the waitlist will be emailed after the renewal period ends with any available tickets for purchase. If you receive an email and purchase tickets, you will be added to the yearly renewal program. 

Have questions? Email tickets@knighteady.com. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address *
How many tickets are you interested in purchasing?  *
Are you interested in tickets with food included?  *
Are you interested in group tickets? (10 or more) *
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