If your K through 8th grade student(s) will require before and after school care on a regular basis at King's Valley then enrolling in an annual plan may be beneficial. All King's Valley, Kindergarten through 8th grade students are welcomed to utilize before and after school care without enrolling in an annual plan. Students who drop-in to Extended Care will be billed according to the daily rates as outlined in the Extended Care Tuition & Fees schedule
kingsvalley.me/k8tuition - Fees are assessed hourly or daily and billed via FACTS on a monthly basis in arrears (e.g. August usage is invoiced in September, etc.).
Enrolling in an annual plan can mean incredible cost savings to families that need before and/or after school care on a consistent basis. We offer these plans to all King's Valley families who have students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. If you have any further questions about the annual plans please feel free to contact