Do you want to sign up for training? Fill in the form /  Please, first check the offer and select the type of training and date.
Thank you for your interest!  Your Hinker Training Hub  & Everyday Counseling Cyprus
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Email *
Your family name *
Your given name *
Country of residence *
Your English level  (self-assessment/certificate) *
Position held / your field, duties - who are you? what do you do? (briefly) *
Choose the date and the training in 2025 *
Do you need an invoice? (all trainings are paid, please check the price) *
Write here your institution name / address / taxpayer number  / >> without this I cannot prepare an invoice for you  *
Write your institution Erasmus code  *
Do you have any questions or comments? Please feel free to write:
By submitting this application, you agree for the processing of your data by Hinker Training Hub & Everyday Counseling Cyprus for the purpose of organizing the training
We do not share your data with anyone!
By submitting this form you confirm that you know the fee level and you accept the duty of payment.

Please inform us at least one month in advance if you wish to withdraw from the training.  
Thank you! We will reply you soon.       
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