Expression of Interest and Eligibility | Mynegiant o Ddiddordeb a Chymhwysedd
(to be completed by the person wishing to access the training) | (i’w gwblhau gan y person sydd am gael mynediad at yr hyfforddiant)
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The data collected on this form will be used to identify training needs across the early years and childcare sector. Where the information amounts to personal data, Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs will be the data controller. The data will be stored securely and in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act (1998) for a period of 18 months, and will be used for the purpose of making contact with you if appropriate funding is available to deliver the qualifications you have shown an interest in prior to being destroyed.   You have the right to access to any personal data collected by this questionnaire. Please contact 029 2074 1000 or by email to  to request a copy of the data you have submitted. You may also request that data be removed from our records using the same contact details.  Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs will not pass on your contact details to third parties or marketing or trading companies.

Datganiad Preifatrwydd
Defnyddir y  data a gesglir ar y ffurflen hon i weld nodi’r anghenion hyfforddi ar draws y sector blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant.  Lle bydd y wybodaeth yn ddata personol, Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs fydd rheolwr y data.  Caiff y data eu storio’n ddiogel ac yn unol â gofynion Deddf Diogelu Data (1998) am gyfnod o 18 mis, ac fe’u defnyddir i’r pwrpas o gysylltu â chi os daw ariannu priodol ar gael i gyflenwi’r  cymwysterau yr ydych wedi dangos diddordeb iddynt, cyn eu dinistrio.  Mae gennych yr hawl i gyrchu unrhyw ddata personol a gasglwyd drwy’r holiadur hwn.   Cysylltwch â 029 2074 1000 neu anfonwch e-bost i i ofyn am gopi o'r data yr ydych wedi eu cyflwyno.  Gan ddefnyddio’r un manylion cyswllt, gallwch hefyd wneud cais ar i’r data gael eu tynnu o’n cofnodion.  Ni fydd Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs yn trosglwyddo’ch manylion cyswllt i drydydd partïon nac i gwmnïau marchnata neu fasnachu.
Date | Dyddiad *
Full name | Enw cyntaf *
Date of birth | Dyddiad geni *
Address | Cyfeiriad *
County | Sir
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Postcode | Cod post *
Main contact number | Prif rif cyswllt *
Alternative contact number | Rhif cyswllt arall
Email address | Cyfeiriad Ebost *
When is the best time to contact you? | Pa bryd yw’r amser gorau i gysylltu â chi? *
Employment Status | Statws Cyflogaeth *
If employed, what was the start date of your employment? | Os ydych wedi’ch cyflogi, beth oedd dyddiad dechrau eich cyflogaeth?
Contracted weekly hours | Oriau wythnosol a gontractir *
Name of Employer/Childcare Setting | Enw’r Cyflogwr/Lleoliad Gofal Plant *
Employer email address |  Cyfeiriad ebost y Cyflogwr   
Address | Cyfeiriad *
County | Sir *
Postcode | Cod Post *
Is this setting registered with CIW? | Ydy’r lleoliad hwn wedi ei gofrestru gydag AGC? *
Please give registration number | Rhowch y rhif cofrestru os gwelwch yn dda
What language would you prefer to learn in | Beth fyddai’ch dewis iaith o ran dysgu? *
Highest Childcare Qualifications to date | Cymwysterau Gofal Plant Uchaf hyd yma
Clear selection
Any other relevant achievements/experience | Unrhyw gyflawniadau/brofiadau perthnasol eraill
What is your current job role/title and how would you describe what you do? | Beth yw rôl/teitl eich swydd bresennol a sut fyddech chi’n disgrifio’r hyn yr ydych chi’n ei wneud? *
Are you attending any other Welsh Government funded training?  | A ydych yn mynychu unrhyw hyfforddi arall sydd wedi ei ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru? *
If ‘yes, when do you complete this programme (month/year)?’ | Os  ‘ydw’, pryd fyddwch chi’n cwblhau’r rhaglen hon (mis/blwyddyn?’)
Courses you would like to access (please select all that apply) | Cyrsiau yr hoffech gael mynediad atynt (dewiswch bob un cymwys): *
Any other comments | Unrhyw sylwadau eraill:
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