The School of Stolen Genius | ELC 2
Hi! You're here because you want to invest in yourself and your continued success by joining our second Experimental Learning Community. That's awesome. YOU'RE awesome. You're in the right place. Phew.

This is for the second cohort of the ELC, which will meet on Tuesdays at 10a PT / 1p ET / 6p GMT / (+1 day, Wednesday 7am NZDT). We'll kick off on April 13, and then meet: April 20 & 27 May 4, 11, 18, & 25th. (Add a day if you're an early riser in Auckland.)

Let's get started.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Your Email *
Company *
(write Independent if not associated with a Company)
City & Country *
City, Country
Are you currently a member of the School of Stolen Genius? *
Non-members must enroll in the School of Stolen Genius to join an Experimental Learning Community. The ELC occurs over two months, and membership is $25/mo. You may cancel your membership at anytime afterwards.
How many years of experience do you have? *
The ELC will have a private Slack channel as our community home base. Are you familiar with Slack? *
What are your ambitions? *
It's open-ended for a reason.
Why do you want to participate in this Experimental Learning Community? *
What makes this opportunity exciting or interesting?
What do you bring to the table? *
If accepted, I commit to attending at least 5 of the 7 sessions. *
Are you active on Slack? *
I understand that the cost is $175 for members of the School of Stolen Genius *
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