ACTRIS Survey on User needs and collaborations with the private sector
ACTRIS promotes the provision of access to a large variety of high-quality services offered by ACTRIS facilities, to a wide range of users and needs and for scientific, technological and innovation-oriented usage.
This survey aims at identifying past and current collaboration between ACTRIS and private sector and inventorying the needs of ACTRIS key user groups and put them in relation with current and future ACTRIS capabilities to derive recommendations for the development of services and the access system. The survey is part of the overall ACTRIS user strategy. It aims at considering the user dimension and identifying the potential gaps between the user needs (past, current and future) and the services offered within the limits of the facilities’ capacities.

We kindly invite you to share your experience and your views on access to ACTRIS services by participating in this 15 min online survey!
Your answers will be treated in a strictly confidential manner and will be anonymized for aggregating statistical analysis.
For any questions or technical problems, please contact Jochen Wagner (

Thank you very much for your valuable cooperation!

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Informed Consent
Your participation in this study will consist of a completion of a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of both multiple choice and open questions.  You will be asked a series of questions about your experience in the exploitation of the knowledge environment of ACTRIS and how the scientific results percolate into innovation value. An important objective is the assessment of industry benefits from access to ACTRIS facilities and scientific data.

Feel free to co-operate with colleagues when answering the questionnaire, if you consider it necessary. Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. If you decide to not participate in this study, you may withdraw from your participation or you may pass on any question that makes you feel uncomfortable at any time without penalty. We encourage all participants to ask questions or raise concerns at any time about the nature of the study or the methods used.  

The only personal details we ask you to provide will be your name, the position in your organization/ company and your role at ACTRIS. All gathered information will be grouped together at ACTRIS consortium level such that no personal data will be traceable from the end product. The individual answers and informed consent forms will be stored at the Medical University Innsbruck until the end of the project. All information and responses to the questionnaire will be kept confidential.

Subjects will not be compensated for participation in this study.
I voluntarily agree to participate in this survey. By clicking "yes" below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information.

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