BAIRA Intensive Detroit: WINTER 2020 Scholarship Application
DEADLINE to apply: Saturday, November 30th, 2019

FULL SCHOLARSHIP: Recipients will receive funding for travel and accommodation, as well as tuition for the BAIRA Intensive Detroit: Winter 2020.
PARTIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Recipients will receive assistance with tuition for the BAIRA Intensive Detroit: Winter 2020.

Please fill out the below questions to submit your application for a full/partial scholarship to the BAIRA Intensive Detroit: Winter 2020.

All scholarship applicants will receive notice of whether or not you have been selected for a scholarship by Wednesday, December 4, 2019.

If you have any questions, please email Thank you!!
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Email *
First and Last Name: *
What are your gender pronouns? *
Date of Birth: *
Where are you traveling from? *
Are you financially independent? *
Are you currently a student? Please note: if you will have graduated by Winter 2019/2020, please choose "No." *
Have you previously attended BAIRA Intensive Detroit: Summer or Winter Intensives? *
Why are you interested in attending BAIRA Intensive Detroit: Winter 2020? *
What do you wish to learn/improve upon by attending BAIRA Intensive Detroit: Winter 2020? *
What qualities/skills do you have that you believe would be beneficial to others (including faculty, students, etc.) during this intensive? *
Why do you believe you should be a recipient of a full/partial scholarship for this intensive? *
Please choose three words that sum up what "movement philosophy" means to you. *
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