Registration and Informed Consent Form
Thank you for participating! With your permission, we would like to use the material described below for the only purposes of the project. This may imply sharing information between members the SOILdarity team, i.e. partners and representatives, whose names can be found on the project website. Input you provide will be recorded and stored. The information provided will be used for the duration of the project. You can revoke your consent any time during the implementation of the project by either contacting the responsible partner representative or the project coordinator. Your decision to revoke your consent is completely voluntary and does not influence your participation in the activity per se. However, we will not be able to consider your input for the project work.

By sending a copy of this form, you give the consent to use data which have been collected with your cooperation for the only purposes of the project. When in doubt about individual items of this form, you can get in touch with the relevant contacts you find below.

Event Timing: June 19th - 30th 2023, from 10:00 to 12:00 (Lisbon Time)

Event Address: 
Online Event on Zoom Platform; 
Herdade dos Conqueiros, Alvalade do Sado, Alentejo (One-day only field trip)

Contact us at

ccruz[at] | Prof. Cristina Cruz (FCUL)

amventura[at] | Ana Maria Ventura (FCUL)
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Combining biofertilizer application with precision agriculture technologies

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Education (please provide a short description of your background) *
Will you able to attend the field trip visit on Wednesday 28 June?
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