Reading....For Science!
Read the Article Boreal Forest Health and Global change using the different reading strategies below. This is a mult-part assignment, but do not move on to the next part until fully completing each section.

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You will need to time yourself to see how long it took you to read each page using the different reading strategies, keep track of your times in your notebook as well.
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Cite the article using the information given in the APA format - Contributors' names (Last name, first initial. - divide multiple authors by a comma, -ex. Einstein, A. ) . (Last edited year). Title of resource. Source Name. Volume(Number), pages, http://Web address
1. Reading Strategy 1 - Read with reckless abandon! Read page 819 of the article and rate your comprehension and memory of what you just read.  
no idea what I just read
remember most of it
Clear selection
Time it took to read page 819
2. Reading Strategy 2 - The diligent type A! Read page 820 article, but this time while you are reading underline, highlight, or box in concepts that you believe to be important. Rate your comprehension and memory of what you just read.
no idea what I just read
remember most of it
Clear selection
Time it took to read page 820
3. Reading strategy 3 - The margin creeper! For page 821 read a paragraph, the whole time you are reading the paragraph be thinking of the best way you can summarize the concepts. Once you finish the paragraph write a 2-7 word summary of the paragraph. Once you're finished with the page rate your comprehension and memory of what you just read.
no idea what I just read
remember most of it
Clear selection
Time it took to read page 821
4. Reading strategy 4 - The Clump lumper! Read page 822 (the remainder of the article), once completed write a short summary (2-3 sentences) of what you read on this page in the space below.
5.  Rate your comprehension and memory of what you just read on page 822.
no idea what I just read
remember most of it
Clear selection
Time it took to read page 822 and complete summary
Which reading strategy did you feel was most effective for you to remember and comprehend what you were reading?
Clear selection
Which reading strategy did you feel was least effective for you to remember and comprehend what you were reading?
Clear selection
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