GBA Stakeholder Survey 2024
Happy New Year! The Annual GBA Board Retreat is on the horizon, and we would greatly appreciate your feedback as we take stock of our organizational priorities and direction, to ensure that we are working with as much information from our business community as possible. 

While we know that there are many priorities and needs, and we can only meet so many of them in a year, the more data we have, the better organized our approach can be - helping us maximize our impact. We are a small but mighty organization, and our success is your let us know, what feels like SUCCESS to you?!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Are you a Member of the GBA?  *
If Not a Member, What's Keeping You From Joining? 
Are you a Member of the Franklin County Chamber?  *
Which GBA Efforts Are Most Important to You? (Check All That Apply) *
Would You Be Interested in Participating in Any of the Following? (check all that apply) *
We'd Love Your Additional (constructive) Feedback! Please feel free to write more below about what you would like to see from the GBA in 2024. The more specific you can be, the more able we are to meet your needs. Thanks!
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