2024/25 PTO Committee Coordinators
Redstone Elementary's Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) wants you! 

How does it work?  There are so many ways to get involved. One way is to volunteer to be one of the coordinators of event or area supported by PTO.

For the 2024/25 school year, our President, Vice President and Secretary positions are in the second year of their terms, while our Treasurer role is opening up. If this role is of interest to you, please reach out with any questions (redstonepto@gmail.com).

Read our committee coordinator descriptions here: 

Let us know any and all the roles that interest you. The current PTO Board will place people according to their interests and best fit. 

Please respond by May 20 and we hope to have everyone slotted by May 31.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Our family is new to Redstone *
Children's Names and Grades for 2024/25
Select any roles or committees that interest you (mark all that apply) *
My skills/areas of interests are (mark all that apply):
Do you have any new ideas for PTO?
If you’d like, tell us more about yourself….
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