Braincrack Games Submission Form
Please give us as much information as you can! Not every idea blows us away enough to follow up with questions, so this is your chance to shine!
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About the game
What's the working title? *
Explain it in 20 words or less. *
What components does it use? *
How complicated is it? *
Children can play
Only for experienced gamers
How long does the average game take? *
What age range is the game / theme aimed at? (Not 'suitable for') *
Language Dependency: How many of the components require text to be used? Is the phrasing short and simple, or do players need to be fluent in English? *
How abstract is the game? Consider whether the design would still make sense if you changed the theme – this would make it more abstract. This isn't a trick question! *
Very abstract
Very thematic
What do players do over the course of the game? What are their goals? *
What are the mechanics of the design? How do you play? If this is a hard question, consider what players are physically doing on an average turn. *
Why is it fun? What are the emotions people will feel while playing? Why will they want to play again? What experience does the game promise that players can't get elsewhere? What will a player tell want to tell their friends about the game? *
Please give us any links you have to the following: playable Tabletop Simulator / Tabletopia modules of your game, rulebooks, sell sheets, etc. If you're using a file-sharing platform like Google Drive, make sure you give us a link with the correct permissions!
About Yourself
What's your name? Where are you from? *
Have you published a game before? Tick all that apply. *
If you ticked any of the above, give us some more details!
Let us know if you have any social media platforms you'd like us to follow.
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