Volunteer Form
Quick overview of the help you can do! / Aperçu rapide de l'aide que vous pouvez apporter!
Kids Area: Supervising the Bouncy Castle, supervising be around kids
Beer Garden: You need to be 18 years old + and have your Smart Serve & customer service skills
Token: Working with money, hand out token and customer service skills
Maintenance: Keeping the ground clean (ex: emptying garbage & recycling)
Horse Show: Open/close the gate as the exhibitors enter and leave the ring. Help with the ring set up/taken down (ie: setting up0taking down the jumps for the jumper classes and equipment for the races)
Fair Brunch/Dinner: Helping at the entrance, working with money, customer service, helping with dishes and clean up
Antique Tractor Pull: Registration table (bilingual if possible), track-maintenance, MC, flagger
Truck Pull: Registration table (bilingual if possible), scaling trucks, track-maintenance, preparation, pine trucks, flagger
Fair Setup: Helping Board members to setup & prepare the ground for the event (weekend before and/or weekend of)
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Name/Nom *
Email / Courriel *
Best number to reach you / Numéro de téléphone *
Emergency Contact Info / Contact en cas d'urgence *
Mailing address (for thank you cards) / Adresse postale (pour l'envoi des cartes de remerciement) *
Where would you like to volunteers? / Où aimerais-tu faire du bénévolat? *
Do you have a SmartServe License? If yes, please have with you (Beer Garden) / As-tu ta licence SmartServe? Si oui, SVP l'avoir avec vous (Beer Garden) *
SmartServe License number / Numéro de licence SmartServe *
Are you bilingual? / Êtes-vous bilingue? *
Are you over 18 years old? / Es-tu âgé de 18ans et plus? *
What is your t-shirt size? / Quel est votre grandeur de gilet? *
We need volunteers for both Saturday and Sunday, please indicate your availabilities. / Nous avons besoin de bénévoles pour le samedi et dimanche, SVP nous indiquer vos disponibilités
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